Entity Framework Plus Audit - Retrieve AuditEntries for specific item
You want to retrieve all AuditEntry for a specific item.
You can filter the AuditEntries DbSet using Where method and providing either the item or the key.
using (var ctx = new TestContext()) { ctx.AuditEntries.Where(item); ctx.AuditEntries.Where<Entity_Basic>(item.ID); ctx.AuditEntries.Where<Entity_Basic>(101); }
Audit, AuditEntry & AuditEntryProperty
AuditEntry and AuditEntryProperty can be added in your context to automatically save audit entries using the AutoSavePreAction property. Only mapped properties are mapped to your database.
- Properties
- Configuration
- CreatedBy
- Entries
- Methods
- PostSaveChanges()
- PreSaveChanges()
- Properties (Mapped)
- AuditEntryID
- EntitySetName
- EntityTypeName
- State
- StateName
- CreatedBy
- CreatedDate
- Properties (Not Mapped)
- ObjectStateEntry
- Parent
- Properties
- State
- Properties (Mapped)
- AuditEntryPropertyID
- AuditEntryID
- RelationName
- PropertyName
- NewValueFormatted (Mapped to NewValue)
- OldValueFormatted (Mapped to OldValue)
- Properties (Not Mapped)
- NewValue
- OldValue
- Parent